<deutsch> |
<english> |
the small print first |
this web site is financially and ideologically independent from all companies,
institutions, authorities, and interest groups mentioned hereon. it is not commercial, provides exclusively personal information and it is intended for private use only. |
if not explicitly stated otherwise, all texts, photographs, graphics, data and sound
files remain copyrighted by us or by pokypsi web design. |
we do not take any responsibility for the contents of other owners' websites which these
pages refer to nor for pages which may have links to websites within this domain. |
we hereby confirm that we will treat all email addresses as confidential and that we will not give
them to third parties. |
we preserve the right to change this website any time without prior announcement. |
plus some information about this website |
www.hbgl.net - gisela's & heinz' web portal, version 3.0, oktober 2003 |
it was developped on our ibm netvista a60 computer, equipped with a 1,4 ghz intel pentium4 processor and 512 mb ram
for design and development we used ![LINK: www.netobjects.com](./BuiltByNOF.gif) |
our pages were tested with internet explorer version 6, netscape version 7 and firefox 1 at a screen resolution of 1024x768 and
600x800 pixels (font size: medium) and this is what we also recommend to you. |
you find our address on the <contact> page. |
<top of page> |